Monday, 27 August 2018



Uncertainty about this country's and your own personal economic survival is anything that gives us a sense that we have lost control of our day-to-day means of survival. The end result is fear, anxiety, stress, depression and developing poor self-image. How often have you looked at yourself in the mirror feeling depressed? Did you also realize that you end up carrying over this feeling for days on end and go into a deeper slump, that even your health gets affected? The final outcome you constantly feel discontented, frustrated and dissatisfied with the blame sitting squarely on our shoulders or rather your body. We often let negative perceptions of our self-image last our entire lives for years. It's rather perplexing how we end up creating a self-image that is so negative and unproductive! Most of our conceptions about us are often a result of our surroundings, of how our family, friends and peers and the immediate society view us, and even the media for shaping our views and attitudes. The influences can be harmful that we begin to equate our self image with what is expected of us or with what is being projected. However, reality is another ball game altogether. A myriad of things affect your circumstances which you can do little. So, don't let all the negativity hypnotize you. Take a hard look at yourself; you'd be surprised at the amazing potential housed within. Firstly, stop punishing yourself! Whatever you're obsessing about; stop it right now, whether it is finances, debt or job loss.

Rediscover your personality what gives you joy, makes you sad and motivates you to give your best. Everyone is endowed with some talent/ aptitude that can be used productively to overcome your mindset. However, the most difficult thing to do is to be able to cure that feeling of being out of control. Often, when you're out of sync with yourself, a nagging sense of something amiss or lacking engulfs you. We periodically tend to get so preoccupied that we lose perspective of the real issue. Remedy the situation. Pay attention to how you are faring in life rather than how your neighbor is. ‘Always wanted to, but never got around to doing it...' is the most common affliction.
Be kind to yourself, just do it. Someone once said that ‘the fear of suffering is greater than the suffering itself.' How true! Our perception of having to face any pain, embarrassment, hurt or suffering is often exaggerated than what the proposed action would normally cause. Give up the excuse; you're just giving in to the urge of self-abuse, a crime greater than any. Or if you're becoming lazy, remember that you're shortening your life span by five minutes for every moment of laziness. Only when you live is life worth the living. Maximize your life. Take every moment as it comes and cherish it. Adopt a positive attitude. Treat yourself to occasional spells of extravagance, buy yourself something nice, reestablish your ties with your family and friends, and refurbish your wardrobe. Focus on living a complete, fulfilling and wholesome life. Take a reality check. Understand that we rate most people on the basis of their personality and not just their physical attributes. Revamp the way you function and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Stay in tuned to your body needs and celebrate the joy and freedom it gives you. Enrich your mind through reading and free your spirit through giving, help someone out or take-up a cause close to your heart.
Finally, pay attention to the important facts of life that have realistic aspirations, adopt an attitude of gratitude, eat when you're hungry, take up some form of physical exercise/ activity, believe that it is normal to have periodic fluctuations in weight gain/loss, learn to forgive, don't be embarrassed to ask for assistance from family, friends, peers or a professional helper, and ultimately, look at the whole picture, you'll find there's much to smile about now and in future ahead!

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