Sunday, 26 August 2018


Look at the energy of children: the skipping and the silent singing. They haven’t got a care in the world. Then take a look at the glum faces of adults. Where does all this energy disappear to from childhood to adulthood? Adults are burdened with responsibility and worry because people’s freedoms are suppressed by society-at-large. Societal pressure and systems ensure that people have to follow the adult conventions such as get a car, get a home and try to pay for them. We end up traveling between different types of buildings trying to finance other buildings: going to the office in our car to pay for our home. Grown-ups waste their energy by spending it on busyness not business. They spend too much of their efforts getting in a position to get something done, rather than doing that something. They justify and defend. They waste their energies on trivial things such as playing politics and worrying about the wrong things, for example, paying the mortgage.
Adults need to recapture the sheen of youth: not with cosmetics on the outside, but with energy on the inside. We need to f ind true motion, not just go through the motions. Children glow the most and have the most energy. To be energetic, adults must keep growing and learning too. The best way to create energy is to spend it. If you have got to the stage where getting up in the morning and going to your current job no longer motivates you, but instead you have to drag yourself reluctantly out of bed, then you cannot expect to feel happy and contented.

To regain your energy, you must recognize those things that you are currently spending your energy on which are wasteful and then do something about it, such as change job or where you live to get out of the rut. When you get bored somewhere, move on. Variety is the spice of life. The good news is that the best way to feel motivated and energetic is to be discontented yet purposeful. When there is a difference between where you currently are and where you want to be, creative dissonance occurs. We need to know where we want to go and should regularly compare where we are today with where we want to be and take steps to get there. This process means we consider the present and the future and live life for today but without losing sight of tomorrow. “Enjoy the present but take good care of the future; you will spend the rest of your life there”. This is constructive discontent a little stress can be a good thing, when it’s not too much. You should harness it to work out how to get where you want to go and use your desire to be there to focus on getting there. Fire in your belly is the best form of stimulant there is.
Purpose fuels motivation. Spending your energy doing business not busyness in turn creates more energy. Pursuit in itself will generate the necessary fuel to get you where you want to be. So go for it! Keeping fit is important for short and for long term reasons. In the short term, not having blood and air flowing throughout your whole body from head to toe can cause drowsiness and tiredness. In the long term, this could lead to real health problems such as not sitting up straight leading to stomach or back problems. In our structured life, the car is driven everywhere even to mail a letter at the end of the street and more and more creature comforts such as food and television are available more and more conveniently from the sofa or the Internet. In such a world, exercise often takes the form of going to the sports center or gymnasium with the other adults. I personally believe that ideally exercise is carried out for more than just for the sake of it. For example, many people go to the gym just because they think they ought to, even if they find it boring and repetitive. Instead, it is better to find a healthy sport or activity that you enjoy that has the added bonus of enhancing fitness. Exercise is very important. Try not to take it for the sake of it, do something you truly enjoy and get something out of.

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