Sunday, 26 August 2018



The world today looks very different than anything in recent memory. The economy at large has changed dramatically, resulting in changes in the personal economy of each and every one of us. The idea of building a "personal economy" around a job, especially when that job needs to provide a permanent means of earning a living, is no longer the norm. The chances of "owning" a job for life are decreasing over time. It is possible that the current job market is motivating you to consider self-employment. Or, perhaps your job is standing in the way of realizing your maximum growth and potential. Or, you may be retired (or planning for retirement) and seeking a productive way to use your time and money! Regardless of your particular circumstance, you believe that self-employment will prove more meaningful, more pleasurable and potentially more rewarding than working for someone else. Changes are you're right! However, it goes without saying that starting a business of your own is not an easy thing to do. Much soul-searching in terms of your motivation is required. Specifically, this article will help you look at the source of your entrepreneurial ambition and to help you answer these questions:

👉What is my primary motivation for becoming self-employed from a professional, personal and financial perspective?

👉Given my combination of professional, personal and financial motivational factors, do I feel I have sufficient motivation to sustain a business through very difficult times?

Let's begin by looking back at the job you do (or did) have. Specifically, let's look at how well this actually meets (met) your professional needs. By looking at how your work either enhances or detracts from your ability to fulfill your professional goals, you can begin to recognize the true source of your professional motivation. All of your schooling, training and work experience have brought you to a certain level of knowledge and skill. Nobody else has quite the same collection of talents and configuration of needs and values that you do. These qualities have been influential in your career thus far and will continue to change, evolve and have an impact on you in the future. In times of transition, we often tend to lose focus. Without focus, we are hard pressed to recognize our wealth of inner resources and strengths. In spite of the evidence that the instability in our life has been caused by forces beyond our control, we often blame ourselves. We do not take the time to explore the real opportunities for personal growth and development. During periods of transition, we need to ignite a spark of inner motivation. To determine what is personally motivating us to make a change, we must begin to understand the relationship between our personal characteristics and the degree to which we have either been free or stifled to display these characteristics. By looking carefully at who you are as a person, you improve the chances of creating a match between you and your business idea. Let's start by looking at your "money mentality." A healthy attitude toward money reflects the competitive spirit of an entrepreneur. It serves as means of keeping score! Buy exploring your true financial motivation; you will gain valuable insight regarding your ability to be an entrepreneur! So dare to dream! There is an important link between our dreams and our drive! It is difficult to achieve anything without a clear picture of what we want and why we want and how we intend to get it. This applies equally (perhaps even doubly!) to the "money thing." Begin by assuming that as time goes on you will easily and without effort achieve your financial goals - what will drive you now? A common realization among individuals, who are successful in making money, is that the fascination of making money wears thin in time. Simply, making money is not the primary motivation for the majority of successful people-it is the dream that fuels the drive.

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