Sub-Topic: WHY NOT?
👉Some men see things as they are and say, Why?
👉I dream things that never were and say, Why not?
I don't write books and columns for you to achieve my level of success. I write them as a catalyst to get you to identify why God put you on this Earth. And I hope your success will be ten times greater than mine. I don't want you to be rich; I want you to be richer. Don't make me or anyone else your aspiration. Dream beyond. Be your own aspiration through finding your area of excellence and having the confidence to go with it. I whole-heartedly believe that if you are working in an area you care passionately about, you'll discover things that aren't intuitive to others but that are fairly obvious to you. This is exactly why you needn't let fear, worry, doubt and anxiety consume you. Confidence, courage and a consistent amount of effort and dedication will get you to where you want to be. If I were to sum up my central philosophy by which I live, it would be this: When you are living real, you've got your heart in the right place, and you are investing in ideas and people-including yourself-then you are going to be a success in life.
👉What other lies are holding you back?
👉What do you say to yourself that feeds feelings of self-doubt and worthlessness?
👉Or that prevent you from getting to where you want to be?
See if you can come up with a few more statements you find yourself hearing and that likely defeat you subconsciously. Also finish the sentence with "…to be rich." Note how that makes you feel!
Some examples: I'm too tired…to be rich. I'm too unfit and out of shape…to be rich. I'm too stressed out…to be rich. I'm too uneducated…to be rich. I'm too overwhelmed with family and work…to be rich. I'm too depressed…to be rich. Now go back and insert the word NOT after "I'm" in each of your phrases. Write them down and use a red pen if you want. At the end of your day, when you stand in judgment of yourself or judged by the all-knowing, what will you report as your contribution to mankind? Never forget that success is not measured by the magnitude of that "contribution." Maybe you won't find the cure for AIDS or design the human-carrying rocket ship to Mars. You might not become a president of anything or be a movie star. And maybe you won't make a great deal of money. There is more than one way to define personal success.
Today, it's impossible to be a well-informed citizen without at least some knowledge of how governmental economic policies can affect our ability to earn a living and provide for our own future. We live in a generation that may be considered fastest-paced generation. Many liken it to the "microwave" generation that consumes our thoughts and redirects our focus. We are hard-wired to access every impulse and instantly satisfy every whimsical desire. We also may sense that we are programmed to feel subordinate or inferior in society. Some of us are descendants of people who were unwillingly transported to the country we found ourselves and forcibly assigned lives of complete servitude. We were the "children of a lesser God" who (like so much livestock) served as "beasts of burden" to those who did not value our lives. The residual ramifications of our bloodline's experience can affect us in more ways than one today, even though we do enjoy a life of abundance and access to so many things others don't have in the world.
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