Sunday, 26 August 2018



Some people plan major live decisions around "Luck" such as getting married, pregnant women wanting to deliver on a "Lucky" day. Charms, trinkets, daubers, four-leaf clovers, a rabbit's foot, triple sevens, lottery tickets, megabucks slot machines, card games have enthralled the young and old with the idea of a "Day" , "Thing" or "Game" bringing them luck. The many facets of luck are as varied as those you ask their definition of success. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia provided some interesting insights to "Luck."

👉Luck as a placebo


👉Idioms and sayings related to luck

👉Luck in Scripture

👉Lucky objects or occurrences

👉Unlucky objects or occurrences

👉Rituals of luck

☑The question is whether or not there is such a tangible thing called "luck?
Your chances are far more improved than winning the lottery or a slot machine jackpot.
When was the last time you were willing to take calculated risks? Taking calculated risks means entering into a circumstance where the chance of taking a loss exists but where you can still maintain a degree of control over the outcome. In some respects, this is like gambling, but there is a great difference between how recreational gamblers and professional gamblers operate.

Weekend visitors to Las Vegas don't really expect to win. In fact, they're pretty sure they won't. They spend their money for the thrill of being proved wrong. Should they win, they're ecstatic and see themselves as lucky or fortunate indeed. Professional gamblers, on the other hand, operate under no illusions about "lady luck." They, in fact, expect to lose much of the time but control losses under unfavorable betting conditions while betting heavily when the odds are right. They get all the facts they can but realize that in the final analysis they're investing in a "statistical probability." Calculated risk takers are more like professional gamblers in that they, too, operate on facts and probabilities. The important difference is that gamblers have no control whatsoever in outcomes. They do not create the situation they are investing in.

Risk takers in business, on the other hand, can actually exert considerable control by directing those things that lead to either loss or gain. As I have indicated in many of my previous articles, running a business involves a number of calculations. These calculations have to be made in the context of competition, buyer motivation and industry-wide trends. These factors are interrelated. If there are technological and medical breakthroughs, those entire industries can change overnight. To be competitive means knowing a great deal about the marketplace so that you can make a reasonable calculation as to where you should take your chances. The effectiveness of your calculations will depend on how astute you are. The degree of control possible has a lot to do with the type of business you start. Most industries and marketplaces aren't so immediately and so dramatically changed. The stakes involved are an important part of calculating risk. The degree of risk is perceived to be large or small depending on the likelihood of payback. While small business ventures vary greatly in capital needs, the key consideration for an owner is the relationship between potential payoff and degree of risk.

Savings accounts and certificates of deposits are low-risk investments. Of course, the return on investment is not high, but it is a conservative way to accumulate savings-as long as the rate of inflation doesn't climb higher than interest rates. Willingness to take risks is part of starting and running a business. Nobody is guaranteed success. If you leave a job to start a business of your own, you will have to forgo a predictable income and face other uncertainties. In any new venture miscalculations are bound to be made. You can learn from those misreading or decide that you want a safer bet. You can almost be guaranteed, however, that if you really want to test yourself, it will be necessary to take some chances. This is not a gamble you are being asked to take. It's a bet on yourself that only you can make!

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