Sunday, 26 August 2018



Life has a powerful and mysterious way of teaching us what we need to learn about ourselves and about living in this world. Life is a classroom, but you already know that school is not the only place to learn. Life in this world is the best teaching environment for anyone. Whatever you go through on a daily basis, good or bad look at it as a learning experience, instead of complaining about bad situations, ask yourself: “What could have I done better? What could have I avoided?” The answers to these questions can prepare you for similar situations in your future. A problem can be a learning experience for you. The old saying goes: “Anything that doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” In fact, life itself is filled with learning experiences, if we only look at those experiences properly and the knowledge required for growing beyond our given station in life. I utilize a five step program for doing the knowledge. Those steps are:
👉Learn to discern.
👉Learn to hear.
👉Learn to act.
👉Learn by example and. 👉Avoid repeating the lesson.
For beginners, learning to discern is the same as learning to see and has a “double entendre” as they say in French. That means that it has more than one meaning.
Webster gives it five meanings: dis•cern
A: to detect with the eyes.
B: to detect with senses other than vision.
C: to come to know or recognize mentally.
D: to recognize or identify as separate and distinct. E: to see or understand the difference.
It may seem like stating the obvious to say that you have to see with your eyes, but many people go through life with a very short visual perspective of the world around them because they are not very observant. If you see these people twice in the same day, but have a different outfit on the second time you see them, they may not even notice. But then again, you may be the type of person who notices everything, but you could still be missing something, if you don’t really know what you are looking at. That means that you have to learn to recognize what you are seeing. The old saying goes: “Believe half of what you see, some and none of what you hear.” That means that your eyes can fool you. How many times have you thought that one thing was unfolding, but another person, standing right next to you recalled the event entirely different? It happens all the time with crimes and traffic accidents. Police officers are trained that eye witnesses to murder are the least reliable of all witnesses. So, if the eyes can play tricks on us, the question becomes: “How do I recognize what I am seeing?” It’s really not that complicated. In order to learn to discern, you have to teach yourself to use more than just your eyes.
For example, you have to involve your experience. If you see a person who appears to be talking to themselves, but recall from your experience that people using cell phone headsets appear to be talking to themselves, you will see something different with that experience. Other sense can change your perception of the world around you. Once you hear something different, or actually touch what you are looking at, your perception may change. When we talk about learning to discern as learning to see, it can refer to the sight that is beyond what the eyes can do. Learning to see can also mean learning to visualize and understand what part you play in the outcomes of your life. Examine a negative thing that has occurred in your life. Ask yourself what role you played in it. Chances are you had as much to do with the negative result as you do with the positive result. In order to change your life, before you take any action, you have to perceive the change as necessary. If you don’t perceive the change as necessary, you will never be able to make the actual change. It won’t matter what kind of pep talk you get or how many books and articles you read, you won’t change until you see and understand that there is a need for change. It is not enough to visualize yourself wearing the crown of success, unless you first visualize the need and desire to change.

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