Sunday, 26 August 2018



There are many ways of making good in life and one of them is succeeding in one's career. To accomplish this, there are ways of personality sprucing that can give anyone the edge. The key ‘C' word is competence! If we can get on top of the challenge, the chances are that you will be able to max the never-ending exam of life! Being really good or competent is more than having a particular strong area of ability. While it does mean knowing your job and doing it well, it also requires you to have the ability to be a MacGyver of solutions not only within the confines of your own area of expertise, but a regular ‘Fix-it-Fred' or ‘Harriet-helpful' type that prefers brains over brawn in order to solve desperate problems in every field! Even if you don't know the answer or can't do it yourself, you must know someone accessible, who does and who is available immediately! You need to solve the problem somehow, not point out that it is there. That anyone can do! Incompetence is something we all know about. It's like going on a trip and asking someone to take that special photograph and discovering that he doesn't know how to operate a camera! The light is fading and there he goes fumbling with the camera and you look on exasperatedly with a plastic grin on your face-and the magic moment passes! Whose fault? Yours! Why didn't you have a backup plan? You must have your systems fixed on "Go!" all the time, try not to depend on others unless you are convinced (through repeated experience) of their competence. Depend only on those that you can benchmark against yourself!

You need to let people know that you are the answer to their prayers! You need to exude competence, you need to ‘look' the part, and whether you are a happy-go-lucky type or the honed professional, people should feel that you are the most dependable person they know. Some people look competent by posturing, while others openly indicate their ability to get things done, whichever it is, do it with style and conviction because if you don't believe, nobody will! You can affect people positively and get them to depend on you, if they feel they can trust you with things they consider important to themselves. If you do, you are one step closer to making good! Being sure of yourself! Begin to soup up your self-esteem and convince yourself that you have what it takes to make it good. You should feel sufficiently on top of the world to show that you can do what people expect from you and, most importantly, what you expect from yourself. Being confident means knowing that you can achieve and this you can do, if you are competent to do so! You should make choices definitively, come to decisions with surety and be able to state your point of view with certainty. What shows a person's confidence is the accepting of a compliment with grace. One should take it as one's due. Similarly, give compliments with sincerity and grace only where it is deserved. A confident person should be able to handle just (or unjust) criticism with composure. After all, no one who is any good can feel that he (or she) cannot do better. In the beginning, when you are starting out, you may need to exude an air of confidence, even if you are as unsure as a deer caught and confused in the headlights on the highway! Act it! You need to feel good about your achievements.
👉Have you done anything you have been proud of?
👉Have you won a race?
👉Have you topped a subject at school or college?
👉Have you got anything you have set your heart on?
👉Do people around you like you?
These are your small-time ‘high points'. Add these up on your ledger and ride high and ooze confidence because of them. Gradually, you will achieve more, your victories will affect more people and your confidence will grow. Also, everybody admires a confident person, so why wouldn't you want to be one?

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