Friday, 19 May 2017



Text: 2 Timothy 2:19-21; Numbers 16:1-33; 26:9-10; Heb.3:5-6.

Introduction: Here we see what we may comfort ourselves with, in reference to this, and the little errors and heresies that both infect and infest the church, and do mischief.

I. It may be a great comfort to us that the unbelief of men cannot make the promise of God of no effect. Though the faith of some particular persons be overthrown, yet the foundation of God standeth sure (v. 19); it is not possible that they should deceive the elect. Or it may be meant of the truth itself, which they impugn. All the attacks which the powers of darkness have made upon the doctrine of Christ cannot shake it; it stands firm, and weathers all the storms which have been raised against it. The prophets and apostles, that is, the doctrines of the Old and New Testament, are still firm; and they have a seal with two mottoes upon it, one on the one side, and the other on the other, as is usual in a broad seal.


1. One expresses our comfort—that the Lord knows those that are his, and those that are not; knows them, that is, he owns them, so knows them that he will never lose them. Though the faith of some be overthrown, yet the Lord is said to know the ways of the righteous, Ps 1:6. None can overthrow the faith of any whom God hath chosen.

2. Another declares our duty—that every one who names the name of Christ must depart from iniquity. Those who would have the comfort of the privilege must make conscience of the duty. If the name of Christ be called upon us, we must depart from iniquity, else he will not own us; he will say in the great day (Matt 7:23), Depart from me, I never knew you, you workers of iniquity.


(1.) Whatever errors are introduced into the church, the foundation of God standeth sure, his purpose can never be defeated.

 (2.) God hath some in the church who are his and whom he knows to be his.

(3.) Professing Christians name the name of Christ, are called by his name, and therefore are bound to depart from iniquity; for Christ gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, Titus 2:14.

II. Another thing that may comfort us is that though there are some whose faith is overthrown, yet there are others who keep their integrity, and hold it fast (v. 20):

In a great house there are not only vessels of gold... The church of Christ is a great house, a well-furnished house: now some of the furniture of this house is of great value, as the plate in a house; some of small value, and put to mean uses, as the vessels of wood and earth; so it is in the church of God. There are some professors of religion that are like the vessels of wood and earth, they are vessels of dishonour. But at the same time all are not vessels of dishonour; there are vessels of gold and silver, vessels of honour, that are sanctified and meet for the Master's use. When we are discouraged by the badness of some, we must encourage ourselves by the consideration of the goodness of others. Now we should see to it that we be vessels of honour: we must purge ourselves from these corrupt opinions, that we may be sanctified for our Master's use.


(1.) In the church there are some vessels of honour and some of dishonour; there are some vessels of mercy and other vessels of wrath, Rom 9:22,23. Some dishonour the church by their corrupt opinions and wicked lives; and others honour and credit it by their exemplary conversation.

(2.) A man must purge himself from these before he can be a vessel of honour, or meet for his Master's use. (3.) Every vessel must be fit for its Master's use; every one in the church whom God approves must be devoted to his Master's service and meet for his use.

(4.) Sanctification in the heart is our preparation for every good work. The tree must be made good, and then the fruit will be good.

Conclusion: "Now in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some unto honour, and some unto dishonour." In the Jewish Church (which is called the house of God) there were faithful and unfaithful, with degrees of faithfulness and degrees of unfaithfulness, compared here, the one class to vessels of gold and of silver, and the other class to vessels of wood and of earth - vessels put to honourable uses and vessels put to dishonourable uses. In the former class were Moses and Aaron, and in the latter class Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, as shown in the day of trial. Numbers 16:1-33; 26:9-10.

The Christian Church is also a great house, presided over, as we are told, not by a servant, but a Son. "And Moses indeed was faithful in all God's house as a servant, for a testimony of those things which were afterward to be spoken; but Christ as a Son, over God's house; whose house are we, if we hold fast our boldness and the glorying of our hope firm unto the end." Heb.3:5-6.

The Church is meant to be a pure society, but it is impossible under present conditions to have this realized to the fullest extent. In the apostolic circle around Christ there were vessels of gold and vessels of silver - of superior use and of inferior use in the service of the Master; but there was also shown to be a vessel of more than ordinary baseness of material put to the most dishonourable use.

In the Church as it was forming there were men and women with gold and silver in their natures, "who having lands or houses sold them and laid the prices down at the apostles' feet;" Acts 4:34-37 but there were also Ananias and Sapphira, whose earthliness moved them to keep back part of the price Acts 5:1-2. So while Paul was of gold use, we may say, at that period of the Church's history, and Timothy comparatively of silver use, Hymenaeus and Philetus belonged to the other category 1Timo2:17-18, having nothing better than wood in them, and put to no honour able use.

Teaching prepared by: Prophet Sam Adebayo.

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