Wednesday, 26 September 2018



1. PURPOSEFUL - A true leader have a sense of purpose. They discovered themselves.

2. VISION - You must capture the future of your life on the paper. Write the VISION and make it plane on the table. Hab.2:2.

3. INSPIRATION - You must share your VISION with people. If you're not INSPIRED YOU WILL SOON EXPIRE.

4. CHARACTER - You must live your life by some set of principles and values that will protect your VISION and PURPOSE.

5. PASSION - You must be dedicated to a course. It's about what to live for, but what you will die for. You're not yet living until you've found what to die for.

6. EMPOWER OTHERS - Leadership is all about delegation, not allowing power to possess you. Leadership success is measured by successor not his/her achievement.

7. DISCIPLINE - Self management. Subjecting yourself to standards that you will never violated. Doing what's needful to fulfill your PURPOSE and VISION.

8. MANAGEMENT - You must learn how to effectively and efficiently use money, time, natural and human resources. Don't be a waster.

9. ORGANIZER - Set priority for yourself. You can't do everything in life. Don't major in minor and minor in major. True leaders are narrow-minded - they're focus and selective.

10. MENTORING YOUR SUCCESSOR - True leader always secure the future. Train your replacement. Jesus Christ said, how long would I be with you... You're not El-shadai, you've a limited time and you will die one day. Don't leave leadership confusion for who to succeed you. Nothing and I mean nothing multiply until you pass it on to others. Moses pass it on to Joshua. Elijah pass it on to Elisha. Jesus Christ pass it on to His disciples. Apostle Paul, pass it on to Timothy. WHO WILL YOU PASS YOUR LEADERSHIP AUTHORITY TO?